Most frequent questions and answers

If you are accessing the site on a mobile browser, open the menu on the top left hand side. If accessing from a desktop/laptop, open the same menu by clicking on your profile pic on the top right hand side.

Choose Profile and then Edit. Most of your details will be filled in already with the information you gave to us at the registration process. You have the opportunity to update this information and to add links to your social networks on the Social Networks tab. We’d also like you to add a personal profile image so that everyone can see who they are talking to. You can do this on the mobile browser by re-opening the menu on the top left and selecting Profile Photo or on desktop select the Profile Photo tab on the left. For best results, upload an image that is 300px by 300px or larger. 

Next choose Cover Photo from the menu and add a cover image which will appear to users who visit your profile page. For best results, upload an image that is 1950px by 450px or larger.

You can set up a listing for your company from the Listings tab if you have the authority to do so.

Navigate to the Listings tab (desktop) or select Listings from the side menu (mobile browser).

Click on Create Listing. From here fill in your Company name, select the industry your company belongs to and add a short description about your company. Select Create Listing when you are done.

The profile is now created but it needs images and some more information. Add a profile photo and a cover image. Save and then click on Visit Listing where you can see your finished business listing. Click on each of the tabs to see what other information you can add to your listing telling potential clients as much as you can about your company.

A Kmendation is a recommendation given on a business listing to a company. Any user can kmend a company on their profile. The user must choose on a scale of 0 to 10 how happy they are with the company, give a title for their review and fill in the review. This will appear on the company’s Listing under Kmendations

A Kmend Score appears at the top of every company Listing. When a user gives a Kmendation to a company, they must fill in a score of between 0-10 to signify how happy they are with the company. The scores from all Kmendations are used to calculate an overall Kmend Score using the NPS method (Net Promoter Score). The maximum score possible is 100. 

If you would like to recommend a company that you have done business with, you can Kmend them.

From the Listings tab, use the search function to find the company. On their Listing page, click on the Write Kmendation button. On mobile this is denoted by a star.

You must choose a score from 0-10 to signify how happy you are with the company and fill in a title and some text for your Kmendation. 

Once you submit your Kmendation, your score will be added to the scores of other users’ Kmendations to calculate an overall Kmend Score for the company using the NPS method (Net Promoter Score). The maximum score possible is 100. 

To get Kmendations from other users for your company, you can post in Conversations and ask for those who have done business with you in the past to go to post a Kmendation on your Listing. You can also tag users who you have worked with in a post and ask them to Kmend your business.


We’d also recommend proactively finding businesses that you have worked with and giving them a Kmendation which will encourage them to Kmend your company in return. 

Setting up a company Listing is the best way to make sure that everyone on Kmend knows about your company. You have the opportunity on your company listing to add all of your company contact information, website, social media links and to post updates from the company keep users informed with everything that is happening at your company. 

Conversations is an area for open discussion, divided into Buying and Selling categories. You can also sell or promote your company’s services in a post in the Offering? (selling) section. 

You can search in the Listings for a business who offers the products or services you are looking for. Use the filter to narrow down your search to the category of business that you are searching for. 

You can also request individual recommendations for professionals or companies you want to work with in the Looking For? (buying) section of  Conversations. This is an area for open discussion, divided into Buying and Selling categories. 

You can use the Search function on the top of any page to search for a user by name. Alternatively, from the Members tab you can search for a user on the site searching by last name, by job title or by company. 

You can add another user as a Connection from the Members tab or from their profile page.

On both the Members tab and the profile page, you will see a Connect button. Click on this to send a request to connect with that person. They will receive a notification that you have requested to connect. 


If another user has requested to connect with you, you will receive a notification on the site and by email. Click on the link in the email or on the notification to be taken to your profile’s Connections tab where you can choose to Accept or Ignore any connection requests that you have. 

Once you are connected to any user, you can send a private message to them.


To do this, click on the Inbox icon (an envelope icon), select the new message icon (a pen icon) and type the user’s name into the To box. Scroll down to the text box to type your message and hit Send. You can also go via the user’s profile, click on the three dots at the top of the profile to open a menu and select Send Message.  

Tagging a user in a public post by using
@ followed by their username will also generate a notification to alert them that they have been mentioned by you.  

Any user that you are connected to on the site can send you a private message. Check My Connections to see who can contact you. Companies may only message you in reply to a message you’ve initiated.

This is a snapshot of everything happening across the site. View the Latest Updates, activity from communities you are a member of and the most recent blogs and conversations here. You will also see the most recently active members, newest members and most popular members listed on the desktop site.

Kmend Communities are a place to connect online with networks you are a real-life member of or other groups or communities that you may find useful. There are two types of Communities : 

  • public, open access
  • private and you must request access or be invited
  • hidden and available by invitation only

Go to the Communities page to join groups that you would like to contribute to.

Any member can contribute. The blog is where longer form articles, ideas or informative pieces can be published. We’d love for our members with something to say to submit a blog post. Any user can submit a blog post via Blog Submission in the main menu. Each post will be reviewed by the Kmend team before publication. You can read our Blog Guidelines here.

Private messages remain private between the sender and the recipient just like an email.
Profiles if you write a message on another member’s profile page, this is public and other members will also be able to read it. You can alter who can see some of your profile details under Edit on your Profile.
Community posts are visible to all members of that group/community but not to anyone outside of the community. Community updates will appear in community members’ activity feeds also.
Conversations all conversations and their replies are visible to all members of Kmend.
Listings – Kmendations (reviews) are visible to anyone who visits a business profile page. If you post an update on your own business profile page (Listing), this will appear in the activity feed of all members who follow your page.
Blog posts once they have been published to the blog are publicly visible to all, both members and non-members of the site.
My updates any updates that you post to the activity feed or on your profile page will also appear on the Activity feed of all site members by default. You can change the privacy setting before posting by using the privacy setting which appears just under your username as you type your post. Options are:
  • Public – the site is only visible to logged in members, so this is the same as All Members below
  • All Members 
  • My Connections
  • Only Me
  • Post to Group – this brings up a list of Groups/Communities that you belong to 

When you go to the login page, there is a ‘Forgotten Password’ link under the password field. Click on this link, enter your email address and we will send an automated email to you containing a link to reset your password.

Open the main menu by clicking on your profile photo on the desktop site or on the top left menu on the mobile site. From here choose Account then Login Information. You can save a new, updated password on this page.

Closing an account can be done on the desktop website or by sending a request to info@kmend.com.


On the desktop site, click on your profile photo to open the main menu and select Account. On the Account page, the option to Delete Account is available on the bottom of the menu on the left-hand side. Click on this, you will be asked to confirm your choice and once you confirm it your account will be deleted. Please note that this action is permanent and irrevocable.