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  • Shareholder Protection Advice by Wimbledon Park Capital

    Posted by David O’Reilly
    Managing Director at Wimbledon Park Capital
    on 19 June 2023 at 8:20 pm

    Recent business newsflow in the Irish and UK market is littered with examples of both listed and private company disputes between shareholders and family members caused by the unexpected death of a key director or shareholder, leading to issues and disagreements between the other shareholders/directors and the widow or heirs of the deceased. A good way to avoid serious issues in these scenarios is to ensure that your businesses has a well thought through set of agreements in place between all parties that covers any eventuality, these broadly speaking go under the title of shareholder protection. Speak to me @ Wimbledon Park Capital to discuss how this works in more detail and how you can put the right paperwork in place to ensure a smooth running of the business in the event of an unexpected death or other event.

    David O’Reilly
    Managing Director at Wimbledon Park Capital
    replied 1 year, 4 months ago
    1 Member · 0 Replies
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