What do you tell people you do?

I would like to clarify two business terms which will help many of the readers position themselves and their business going forward. We use the term SME very loosely and based on some research relevant to Ireland an SME Business is one that employs up to 50 people and has a turnover not exceeding €10m. In the UK these figures are different as the employee numbers are defined as less than 250 and turnover is less than £25m people. A business operating below these thresholds is defined as a micro business (not very flattering) but it is what it is. The reason I wanted to mention this is because when you are defining who your target audience is it is important to understand where they are positioned in the scheme of things.
Now that we have clarified that, we can now look at one of the key challenges business owners and their employees have when it comes to articulating what it is they do. More than ever in a world where poor attention span and the need for instant gratification is prevalent it is vital that you have a clear message when asked what it is you do. Too often you hear simple descriptions such as I am a Solicitor, an Accountant, I am in IT, Recruitment etc. and it means nothing. It goes in one ear and out the other. I was at a networking and information day for SME businesses recently and the opportunity was given to several business owners to talk about their business to the audience in 60 seconds. One or two people were very good but unsurprisingly most trotted out what we all hear whenever we attend events like this. My name is X and we specialise in A, B and C and we have been around X years blah, blah. It is all about them and their business and simply speaking, who cares? Sadly, an opportunity to attract interest from potential customers/clients is lost.
So can I suggest a simple formula that I use to help clients in the workshops I run. It usually takes a morning, but the results are well worth the time and effort and help bring clarity and a sense of unity and purpose to the employees. I will show the formula and how it applies to me. You can then look to apply it to your business and of course I am available to help you refine it, so it makes it completely unique and relevant to your business.
- Who is my target audience
- What is my experience
- How it helps them
- What is the impact of that help
SME Business Owners piggyback my 40+ years of business experience so they can get away from the daily drudgery of being at the coalface, allowing them time to focus on the parts of the business that will accelerate their growth.
Where there is a very mixed audience, I might refine this as follows.
SME Business Owners with a turnover of up to €10m and employee numbers of less than 50 piggyback my 40+ years of business experience so they can get away from the daily drudgery of being at the coalface, allowing them time to focus on the parts of the business that will accelerate their growth.
This exercise is a continuous work in progress as you test it on various audiences and gauge their reaction.
I want you to imagine the impact on your business if you and everyone of your employees had a simple phrase that positioned your offering in a way that resonated with the listener. Remember it is not a pitch but something that clearly separates you from your competitors. Think of all the times you and your employees are asked what it is you do, and you give a bland answer such as I am an Accountant or I work for an Accountant as opposed to something that the listener hears and thinks, I know someone who could use that service.
This exercise can be run as an individual workshop or as part of a workshop that helps people network more effectively in face-to-face situations. What impact could this have on your business?
If you would like to know please email me at alec@alecwdrew.com